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混杂的英文翻译 混杂英文怎幺说 混杂的英文例句




    to mix
    to mingle

mix [miks]

    v.使混和,混淆,混合 n.混合

mingle [miŋg(ә)l]



他们是一群男女混杂、穿着俗丽的家伙。They were a mixed and rather raffish lot.我意识到我刚才以为是耳鸣的嗡嗡声,其实是混杂的说话声。I realized that the buzz I had thought was a singing in my ear was really a medley of voices.许多人混杂在居住于泰国的大约百万名缅甸非法移民中。Many mingle among the million or so illegal burmese migrants living in thailand.盐咸和阳光,海风,忍冬植物和罐装碑酒,他就这样带着一身混杂的浓烈气味从海上归来。He came back smelling of tar and tangle saltness and sun sea winds and woodbine and bottled beer.一股淡淡的混杂气味。A subtle melange of odours.在巴布亚新矶内亚混杂语中,上帝被称为“大阿爸”。In the pidgin of papua new guinea god is referred to as'big fella papa '.这是一个商店、办公室和住家混杂的地区。The area is a melange of shops offices and homes.


与...混杂在一起 mingle with

双组分混杂纤维 bicomponent hybrid fibre

混杂 to do; todo

混杂、沾汙险 intermixture and contamination risks

混杂分析 hybrid analysis

混杂在...之中 mingle in

混杂堆积 melange

混杂法 confounding

混杂物 intermixture

混杂率 miscellany rate曾称"混入率"。产品中错配物的分配率。

混杂的 chowchow

混杂纤维 assorted fibre

混杂设计 confounding design

混杂语地名 hybrid anme

种子混杂物 seed admixture

蛇绿混杂堆积 ophiolitic melange

表型混杂 phenotypic mixing

裂区混杂 split confounding; split-plot confounding

财产的混杂 confusio

