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昏厥的英文翻译 昏厥英文怎幺说 昏厥的英文例句




    to faint

faint [feint]

    n.昏晕,昏倒 adj.虚落地,衰弱的,软弱的,无力的,微弱的,暗淡的,模糊的 vi.昏晕,昏倒,变得微弱,变得没气力


飞机上升到这样高度时,飞行员昏厥了片刻时间。The pilot blacked out for a moment upon reaching such a high altitude.安娜的突然昏厥使他们都吃了一惊。Anna startled them all by being suddenly seized with faintness.恐惧和担心使她昏厥在地。Her fright and concern sunk her down in a deep swoon.对头部足以使人昏厥的一击;麻醉药的麻醉效果。A stupefying blow to the head; the stupefying effects of hemp.恍惚一种催眠的、昏厥的或心醉神迷的状态A hypnotic cataleptic or ecstatic state.使发呆,使惊呆因恐惧而昏厥或发呆;使茫然To stun or paralyze with terror; daze.阿切尔小姐一阵昏厥,从椅子上摔了下来。Miss archer fell off her chair in a swoon.出神,昏厥与由神秘的或预言性的兴奋有关的昏厥、发狂和出神The trance frenzy or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation.昏厥:使你的暗影法术有2%几率使目标昏迷3秒。Blackout: gives your shadow damage spells a2% chance to stun the target for3sec.昏厥进入短暂失去知觉状态To fall into a usually brief state of unconsciousness.威廉•拉维奇医生说窒息可以引起昏厥,这种情况称为血管迷走神经性昏厥。Dr.william ravich said choking can cause a person to faint an occurrence known as vasovagal syncope.


因...而昏厥 be faint with

昏厥 fainting

