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绞死的英文翻译 绞死英文怎幺说 绞死的英文例句



[jiǎo sǐ]

    to hang

hang [hæŋ]

    n.悬挂的方式,(动作的)暂停,中止 vt.悬挂,附着,装饰,绞死,踌躇,使悬而未决,垂下 vi.悬着,垂下,被绞死,悬而不决


应该把德国空军的领导层统统绞死They should hang the entire luftwaffe leadership.早上他们在绞刑架上绞死了那囚犯。In the morning they hanged the prisoner from a gibbet.这个黑人很有用,把他绞死可太可惜了。He was too valuable a darky to be hanged.19个被控蛊惑了一群孩子的人于1692年在赛勒姆被绞死。19people Accused of bewitching a group of children were hanged in salem in1692.不然我父亲就会被绞死To confess to the murder of the red fox.请帮助我,不要叫我被绞死吧!Pleases help mes and don't call me be put to death by hanginged!泰伯恩的人们过去常常觉得观看人犯被绞死很有趣。The crowds at tyburn used to find a hanging entertaining.无论绞死了谁,火照样放。And whosoever hung fire burned.在俄国象鲁瑟这样的人,在一九一七年都给绞死了。We hung the likes of reuther in russia in1917.


绞死 garrote; gibbet; halter; hang; scrag; strangle; death by hanging; hanging

被绞死 dance on a rope; dance on nothing; dance on the air; dance on the ropes; dance upon nothing; danced on a rope; danced on nothing; danced on the air; danced on the ropes; danced upon nothing

