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muddy [mʌdi]



我在地毯上跳来蹦过去,扭曲身子,摆出各种姿势,弄得浑身不舒服,After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human frame into uncomfortable positions像瘫痪似地浑身哆嗦。He shook as with a palsy.小鸡浑身溅满了雨水。The chicks are all spattered with rainwater.一个浑身病毒的魔头之前An incubus of viral plague.一个浑身沾满了别人鲜血的人一定会流汗的Well someone with blood on his shirt should be sweating.由于气温骤降,野营者冷得浑身发抖。As the temperature drop abruptly the camper is shivering all over with cold.由于这烟,空气变得浑浊。The air is murky with the smoke.源头水浑,整河水浊。If the source of the stream is muddy the whole course will be muddy.


光浑地 lustrously

大气浑浊度 atmospheric turbidity反映大气中气溶胶散射消光程度的物理量。它等于铅直气柱中由气溶胶构成的光学厚度。

把浑身涂上柏油并粘上羽毛 tar and feather

浑仪 armillary sphere由相应天球坐标系各基本圈的环规及瞄準器构成的古代天文测量仪器。

浑光放电 glow discharge

浑号 nickname

浑天仪 armillary sphere

浑天说 theory of sphere-heavens中国古代的一种宇宙学说,可能始于战国时期。认为天是一圆球,地球在球中,如同蛋黄在蛋内一样,而不停地转动着。

浑水沖刷 scour with sediment motion

浑浊因数 turbidity factor反映大气浑浊度大小的物理量, 等于真实大气的消光係数与干洁大气分子消光係数之比。

浑浊温度 turbidity temperature

浑然无知的 as green as grass

浑联电路 parallelserial circuit

浑色绣 multicoloured embroidery

浑象 celestial globe古代根据浑天说用来演示天体在天球上视运动及测量黄赤道座标差的仪器。

浑身 at every pore

浑身发抖 all of a dither; all of a tremble; be all of a dither

浑身大汗 all of a sweat

浑身是汗 be all of a sweat

浑身是泥 in a muck

浑身湿透 like a drowned rat

浑金璞玉 diamond in the rough; rough diamond

通视浑浊度仪 all-through turbidimeter

阿月浑子 pistache, Pistacia vera L.

