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昏倒的英文翻译 昏倒英文怎幺说 昏倒的英文例句



[hūn dǎo]

    pass out;cataplexy;faint;flicker;fall in a dead faint;fall into a dead faint;syncope

pass [pa:s; (-) pæs]

    n.经过,关口,途径,护照,通行证,入场券,传球,及格 vt.通过,审查通过,忽略,传递 vi.经过,变化,流通,宣判,被忽略,终止,传递,不叫牌

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

cataplexy [kætәpleksi]


faint [feint]

    n.昏晕,昏倒 adj.虚落地,衰弱的,软弱的,无力的,微弱的,暗淡的,模糊的 vi.昏晕,昏倒,变得微弱,变得没气力

flicker [flikә(r)]

    n.扑动,闪烁,闪光,颤动 vi.闪动,闪烁,摇动,扑动翅膀,[美俚]昏倒,假装昏倒 vt.使摇曳,使闪烁

fall [fɔ:l]

    n.秋天,落下,瀑布,降低,落差,採伐量,堕落,下降 vi.倒下,落下,来临,失守,变成,垮台,下跌,阵亡 vt.击倒,砍倒(树木) adj.秋天的

dead [ded]

    adj.死的,无感觉的,呆板的,不流动的,(语言、习惯)废弃了的,熄灭的 n.死者 adv.完全地,绝对的,突然的


酷热使他昏倒了。The intense heat keeled him over.他重重地挨了一击昏倒了。He was struck a heavy blow and fainted.她当时在威尼斯购物,在鳄鱼店昏倒了She was shopping at the venetian keeled over at lacoste.她热得昏倒了。She fainted from the heat.我想我要昏倒了,最好坐一下。I think I'm going to flake out; I'd better sit down.一位老太太昏倒在人行道上。An old lady flaked out on the sidewalk.有三个女子中暑昏倒,全靠白兰地使她们很快苏醒过来了。Three women fainted in the heat but are quickly bring round with brandy.zed,你真的很懂得如何让人昏倒。Zed you really know how to bring a guy down.你看起来要昏倒的样子I thought you were gonna pass out.然后在你的体液中昏倒。Then pass out in your own juices.她觉得她好像要昏倒。She felt as if she were going go pass out.我给他当头一击,他就昏倒了。I gave one for his nob and he fell senseless.我看我快昏倒了。I think I'm going to faint.


昏倒 faint away; faint from; faint with; flake out; zonk out

