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忽略的英文翻译 忽略英文怎幺说 忽略的英文例句




    to neglect
    to overlook
    to ignore

neglect [ni'glekt]

    vt.忽视,疏忽,漏做 n.忽视,疏忽,漏做

overlook [әuvә'luk]

    vt.俯瞰,耸出,远眺,没注意到 n.眺望,俯瞰中的景色


污泥监管被普遍忽略。Usually neglect of sludge regulation.唔,要是你忽略她自大狂和反动政治的话…Well if you get past her megalomania and reactionary politics...雅尔达协定的批评者都倾向于忽略俄国也作了重大让步。Critics of the yalta agreements tend to forget that the russian also made substantial concessions.有一段时间,锄草和追肥有所忽略。For a time weeding and manuring were neglected.由于英国证券是用便士进行报价的,您应该忽略小数点。As united kingdom securities are quoted in pence you should disregard the decimal point.与质子的品质相比,电子的品质可以忽略不计。In comparison with the mass of the proton the mass of the electron is considered negligible.在这次选拔中,演讲者忽略了可以忽略的对选举的负面影响。In the selection the lecturer neglected the negligible negative reflection on the election.在众人皆同意的表像下,必然有一些被误解或忽略的事。Behind all agreement lies something amiss.all seeming accord cloaks a lurking abyss.这几年,经常的细緻的工作忽略了。Over the past few years we have neglected our painstaking day-to-day work.


可忽略的 ignorable

可忽略误差 negligible error

忽略 ignore; slur; sluring

忽略了 lose sight of

忽略双原子微分重叠法 neglect of diatomic differential overlap method, NDDO

忽略性肩先露 neglected shoulder presentation

忽略的变数 neglected variable

忽略码 ignore code

忽略规定 ignore specification

忽略设计规则的结构输入 design rule free topology capture

被忽略 left in the basket

被忽略过去 pass unnoticed

