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护理的英文翻译 护理英文怎幺说 护理的英文例句




    to nurse
    to tend and protect

nurse [nә:s]

    n.护士,保姆 vt.护理,看护 v.照料

tend [tend]

    vi.趋向,往往是 vt.照管,护理

protect [prә'tekt]



围产期死亡率;围产期护理。Perinatal mortality; perinatal care.我上过护理职业课程。I did a diploma in nursing.我在想医学护理课程I'm thinking doctoring prescriptions.在1995出版的一本书中,他指出平均每年的家庭护理开支高达3万美元到12。5万美元。In his1995book he indicates that nursing-home fees run from$ 30000to$ 125000per year.摘要目的:探讨小儿断指再植术后的成功护理。Objective: the successful nursing after replantation of severed finger.照看但不哺乳婴儿的护理者。A nurse who cares for but does not suckle an infant.


上级命令的辨护理由 defense of superior orders

保健护理所 health care facility

医疗护理 medical care

卫生护理 health care

寄宿和护理所 board and care facility

康复护理 rehabilitation nursing

必要的辩护理由 defense of necessity

护理 n. nurse

护理人员 nursing personnel; nursing staff

护理室 nursing home

护理心理学 nursing psychology

护理用品 nursing materials

护理美学 nursing aesthetics

无罪判决的辩护理由 incrimination

毛髮护理电器 hair care appliance

流动护理所 ambulatory care facility

电动侧翻多功能护理床 electric multifunction side-turn nursing bed

病员护理区 patient care area

皮肤护理电器 skin care appliance

绝对辨护理由 absolute defense

美容护理 aesthetic nursing

辩护理由 defense; defense grounds

