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回忆的英文翻译 回忆英文怎幺说 回忆的英文例句




    to recall

recall [ri'kɔ:l]

    vt.回忆,回想,记起,取消 n.召回

recollection [rekә'lekʃ(ә)n]



我现在还能回忆起他慈祥的面容。In my mind's eye I can still see his kind face.我要他好好回忆一下,设法重新回忆起他童年时那个地方的气氛。I asked him to reach back and try to re-capture the atmosphere of the place in his boyhood.我一直在试着回忆那条船I've been trying to recall that ship.我已经水肺坦克“昨天,回忆他怎样享受短暂的经验。I had scuba tanks "he said yesterday remembering how he enjoyed the brief experience."以他的回忆录改编成电影的预告片。A trailer for the screenplay of his memoirs.作为那段不愉快往事的回忆And kept it as a momento of a more unpieasant day ''.作为一名年轻人,你曾经效力于巴拉都利得,这给你留下了什幺回忆?What's left of the kid that once played for valladolid?


使人回忆起 rang a bell; ring a bell; rung a bell

使回忆起 set soneone in mind of

利用所回忆的事 draw on her memory; draw on his memory; draw on my memory; draw on our memory; draw on their memory; draw on your memory; drawn on her memory; drawn on his memory; drawn on my memory; drawn on our memories; drawn on their memories

回忆 recall to ones mind; recalling; reminiscence; thrown your mind back

回忆应答 anamnestic response

回忆录 reminiscence

回忆检验 recall test

回忆法 recall method

回忆起 bring to mind

强迫性回忆 obsessive reminiscence

系列回忆 serial recall

线索性回忆 cued recall

自由回忆 free recall

顺序回忆 ordered recall

