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    joint performance

joint [dʒɔint]

    n.接缝,接合处,接合点,关节,(牛、羊等的腿)大块肉 adj.共同的,联合的,连接的,合办的 vt.连接,接合,使有接头 vi.贴合,生节

performance [pә'fɔ:mәns]



这些领导可能会走出来,打出自己的旗号,并向群众大会演说。The leaders may go out to show the flag and address mass rallies.这班演员中没有一个人会演戏--他们把这个戏演得一团糟。None of the cast can act at all they're butchering the play.在你这个年龄,你应该会演算分数减法了。At this age, you should be able to subtract one fraction from another.他是个多才多艺的演员,会演戏,唱歌,跳舞,还会弹钢琴。He's a very versatile performer; he can act, sing, dance, and play the piano.嗯,首先,他不会演戏。Well for a kick-off he can't act.每一个孔连续性的重複这个步骤,而且你将会演奏出半音。Repeat this process with each hole in succession and you will be playing the chromatic scale.我以为你会演奏一些儿歌什幺的I was actually thinking more "cock-a-doodle-doo".你会演奏什幺乐器?What musical instrument do you play?你会演奏小提琴吗?Do you play the violin?你会演奏用e小调托卡塔是吗?You're going to play the toccata in e minor?我不会演奏那些叮噹响的,那时流行的的不错的东西。I wouldn't play that tinkly~~ pretty stuff that was in vogue then.我们会演得不错的,院长嬷嬷Oh it's gonna be wonderful reverend mother. You'll see.

