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回信的英文翻译 回信英文怎幺说 回信的英文例句




    to reply
    to write back
    letter written in reply

reply [ri'plai]

    n.答覆,报复,答辩 vi.答覆,回击,报复,答辩 vt.回答

write [rait]

    vt.书写,着述,写,写满,写信给 vi.写,写字,写信,写作,作曲

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持

letter [letә(r)]

    n.文字,字母,信函,字面意义,铅字,(pl.)证书,(pl.)文学,学问 vt.用字母标明,在...上刻(或题)字 vi.写印刷体字母




克林顿没有给他回信。Mr clinton did not write back.萝贝试过回信,但是Reba's been trying to answer some ofthem...请回信并告诉你的家庭。Please write back and tell your family.请将回信寄到209号信箱。Please reply to box no.209.请儘快给我回信。Please write back to me as soon as you can.请儘快回信给我。Please write back to me as soon as possible.请在申请信里附上写明回信地址、贴足邮票的信封。Please enclose an sase with your application.随函附上邮资已付的回信明信片一张。A postpaid reply card is enclosed.他们什幺时候给我们回信?When will they write back to us?他们收到一封简短生硬、毫不表示同情的回信。They received a terse and unsympathetic reply.我将在明天给他回信。I'll write back to him tomorrow.务必写上回信地址和邮编。Remember to write the return address and the zip code.有的连回信地址都投有。Some had no return address.


发回信息 send a message back

召回信号 return; recall

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商品取回信贷 call credit

回信 reply to

国际回信邮资代价券,国际回信邮资券 international postal reply coupon

审计师回信 letter of auditor

巡迴信用证 circular letter of credit; circular credit

广告回信 business reply cards

撤回信用证 revoke a letter of credit

读回信号 readback signal

