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窖的英文翻译 窖英文怎幺说 窖的英文例句




cellar [selә(r)]



每个人都进去防风地窖!Everybody in the storm cellar!排好队去robert家的酒窖A trip to the robert's wine cellar is in order.我们要再放只老鼠进蛇窖吗?Do we want to drop another mouse in the snake pit?我去拿,我知道酒窖在哪里I'll get it. I know where the wine cellar is.西乡来的工人和他的妻子正忙着替砖窖挖土。The workman and his wife from the west country are busy digging to make bricks of the kiln.一个指纹解读器只让他进入这个酒窖。A fingerprint reader gives only him access to the wine cellar.在窖中储藏胡萝蔔与土豆Stowed carrots and potatoes in the root cellar.在我们进入赌场的金库,然后回到这地窖之后,After entering the casino vault and returning to the root cellar这大学有着一个储存丰富的酒窖。The college has a well-stocked wine cellar.这是从我们的酒窖挑出来的From our premium wine cellar.这是个奇迹呀,算得是稀有的技巧,阳光灿烂的安乐宫,连同那雪窟冰窖!It was a miracle of rare device a sunny pleasure-dome with caves of ice!


保税地窖 bonded vaults

地窖 bury

地窖导管 cellar pipe

地窖水枪 cellar nozzle

地窖火灾 cellar fire

救地窖的人 cellar saver

水窖 water cellar

湄窖 mei jiao

窖渣 clinker

窖藏 hoarding

窖藏啤酒 lager

窖 n. furnace crown

老窖特曲 laojiao tequ

