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迴响的英文翻译 迴响英文怎幺说 迴响的英文例句




    to echo

echo [ekәu]

    n.回声,回音,回波 vi.发回声,随声附和 vt.摹仿,重複,反射 [计] 禁止(或允许)在萤幕上显示批次处理命令列


音钝的;无迴响的Having a dull sound; lacking resonance.在这死亡的细胞中一条孤独的记录迴响于耳中。In the death cell a single note rings on and on and on.走廊迴响着脚步声。The corridor echoed with footsteps.从山谷那边传来了枪声的迴响。The hills eachoed back the noise of the shot.如果我不需要你,为何你的名字却迴响在我脑海?If I don't need you then why does your name resound in my head?声音在山谷里引起反复迴响。The sound woke echoes in a mountain valley.它就象翠玉一样碧绿,迴响震耳欲聋。It was green as an emerald and the reverberation was stunning.它是无声的迴响。”It is a soundless echo.她的尖叫声仍在我耳中迴响。Her shriek still vibrates in my ears.万岁迴响于大教堂四周Round the cathedral rang vivat.有迴响的房间;回蕩着隆隆的炮声。A reverberant room; the reverberant booms of cannon.在那亲切的迴响里,它们将造物主讚扬,And in their kind resound their maker's praise这个现象被成为迴响。This is known as reverberation.这个消息必须在整个社会中不断迴响This message must resound throughout the entire interlink!


交混迴响 reverberation

去交混迴响 dereverberation又称"去鸣震"。

迴响 reverberation

在...中迴响 reverberate across; reverberate in; ring in

声音在...处迴响 resound in

