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pepper [pepә(r)]



以豆腐皮夹层蕃茄、甜椒、荷兰豆、茄子、豆腐等各种大豆蔬果与马自瑞拉乳酪焗烤而成。Piled bean curd skin and mixed vegetables in turns and baked with mozzarella cheese.正宗白胡椒粉,调味之佳品。Authentic white pepper powder an excellent seasoning.主要产品:马铃薯、冬瓜、大白菜、小方柿、甜椒、番茄、丝瓜、大豆。Products: sweet potato white gourd chinese cabbage persimmon tomato towel gourd soybean.


五色椒 cherry red pepper

五香辣椒粉 chilli powder

低温乾燥青甜椒 freeze-dried green sweet paprika

鹹辣椒 salted chilli

鹹辣椒酱 salted chilli paste

鹹青辣椒 salted green chilli

塑胶盖胡椒瓶 pepper container with plastic cap

塑胶盖辣椒酱瓶 chilli sauce container with plastic cap

天然辣椒色素 natural chilli pigment

尖头红辣椒 rose paprica

山椒 Japanese pepper

川花椒 fructus zanthoxyli

干辣椒 dried chilli

手摇胡椒研磨器 hand-operated pepper mill

无把辣椒干 chilli without stem,dried

智利辣椒 Chile pepper

有把辣椒干 chilli with stem,dried

朝天辣椒 red cluster pepper

柿子椒 big capsicum

标準纯银胡椒粉瓶 sterling silver pepper shaker

椒样薄荷叶 mentha piperita leaf

椒油豆瓣酱 brittle bean butter with chilli oil broad bean paste with chilli oil

椒盐 salt and pepper

椒盐核桃仁 fried walnut meat

椒盐瓜子 salted and roasted pumpkin seed

椒盐白瓜子 pumpkin seed,roasted and salted roasted and salted pumpkin seed

椒盐缸 salt & pepper set

椒盐罐 salt and pepper set

椒盐鱼 fried fish with pepper and salt

椒盐鸡 chicken with spicy salt

