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回去的英文翻译 回去英文怎幺说 回去的英文例句




    to return
    to go back

return [ri'tә:n]

    n.回来,返回,来回票,利润,回答 adj.返回的,回程的,报答的,反向的,重现的 vi.回返,归还 vt.归还,回报,报告,获得,回答,返回

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持


我把购物篮放回去。I'll put the shopping basket back.我把这有柄小平底锅拿回去,换了一只不粘锅。I took the saucepan back and changed it for a non-stick one.我可以让你赎回去I'll let you ransom it.我是不会活着放你回去的!I can't be on the hoof to put what you return!我希望我们回去的时候不会在我的汽车上发现一个车轮固定夹。I hope we're not going to find a wheel clamp on my car when we get back.现在可以把手机放回去了You can put the phone back.亚述王西拿基立,就拔营回去,住在尼尼微。Sennacherib king of assyria went back to his place at nineveh.亚述王西拿基立就拔营回去、住在尼尼微。So sennacherib king of assyria went back to his place at nineveh.在一个化装舞会上,一位女士的偏头痛发作,便告诉她丈夫自己先回去了。On the night of the masked ball a woman developed a migraine and told her husband to go alone.坐回去时不要碰到糖罐了Try not trip on the sugar when you sit back down.他的安慰者还有几个理由没说出口又缩回去了。His comforter left several explanations in the air.


不再放回去 without replacement

从...处反弹回去 carom from; carom off

回去 go back; head back

回去取 return for

回去报告 report back

将...折回去 fold back

希望...回去 want back

扶回去 help back

把...转回去 switch back

把...送回去 run back

推回去 press back

让...回去取 send back for

