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践踏的英文翻译 践踏英文怎幺说 践踏的英文例句




    to trample

trample [træmp(ә)l]

    n.踩踏,蹂躏 v.践踏,踩坏,轻视


那条狗把花坛践踏得七零八落。The dog trampled the parterre at sixes and sevens.诗91:13你要踹在狮子和虺蛇的身上、践踏少壮狮子和大蛇。You will tread upon the lion and cobra the young lion and the serpent you will trample down.谁践踏了我的花园?Who has trodden on my garden?我们倚靠上帝才得施展大能,因为践踏我们敌人的就是他。With god we will gain the victory and he will trample down our enemies.我能想到他们随时会践踏到这片土地L look to hear the tromp of their boots any moment.我随时会听到他们践踏这片土地的声音I look to hear the tromp of their boots any moment.有一天,它却被战争的车轮无情践踏。One day however it is trampled by the unmerciful warfare.驻墨西哥的法国军队肆意践踏“门罗主义”。The french army in mexico was trampling the monroe doctrine in the dirt.


不践踏草地 keep off the grass

粗暴践踏别国主权 brutally trample on the sovereignty of another country

被践踏 under the hoof of

践踏 stamp down; trample on; trample under foot; trample upon; tread on; tread upon; trod under foot; trodden under foot

践踏法律与秩序 trample law and order

