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回报的英文翻译 回报英文怎幺说 回报的英文例句




    (in) return

return [ri'tә:n]

    n.回来,返回,来回票,利润,回答 adj.返回的,回程的,报答的,反向的,重现的 vi.回返,归还 vt.归还,回报,报告,获得,回答,返回

reciprocation [ri.siprә'keiʃәn]



一旦总体规划付诸实施,我们就能得到投资回报。Once the master plan is put into operation we should begin to see a return on our investment.一分耕云,一分回报。Aminute ploughs the cloud a minute repayment.一种线条由风险回报曲线图创建,包括最理想的投资组合。A line created from the risk-reward graph comprised of optimal portfolios.因得到某人的帮助而给予厚礼回报。Make full requital to sb for his help因长年无回报的劳动而痛苦Was embittered by years of unrewarded labor.由于坚持不懈的努力所应得的回报。A just reward for persistent effort.再生能源开发会不会带来有效的回报?Is investing in renewable energy profitable?这第三阶段代表了电子商务所带来的真正的变革以及主要的回报。This third stage is the one that represents the real transforrnation and the major payoff.作为回报,他就工业关税减免,如果有区别,那就是更加空洞。In return he offered cuts in industrial tariffs that were if anything even more vacuous.作为回报,她希望最终能够被施以终极转化仪式并成为一名亡灵巫师。In exchange she hopes to finally be given the final rites to conversion and become a necromancer.


以...回报 recompense with

以同样的行动回报 gave it back to; given it back to

作为回报 in return

回报 get back at

回报书 retour

支出沖回报告 report of expenditure refunds

收回报价 revoke an offer; withdraw an offer

材料退回报告 material rejection report

销货退回报告 returned sales report

销货退回报告单 returned sales report

预付回报费 reply paid

预付回报费凭单的款数 value of the reply paid voucher

预付回报费用的剩余部分 unexpended portion of the reply paid charges

