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肩上的英文翻译 肩上英文怎幺说 肩上的英文例句






背在肩上可以使枪隐藏在外衣里面的枪套。A holster worn over your shoulder so a gun can be concealed under your jacket.卡化肩上有一个燕子刺花。Karen has a tattoo of a swallow on her shoulder.美朱把头枕到魏的肩上,再次抬头仰望这布满星星的夜空。Then miaka buried her head in taka's shoulder and looked up at the starry sky again.女士肩上披的一种毛皮做的披风;一般包括了整张狐皮或貂皮。A woman's fur shoulder cape with hanging ends; often consisting of the whole fur of a fox or marten.他肩上的符号标出军官的军衔。The mark on his shoulder designated the rank of an army officer.她把枪从肩上的枪套里转移到她的手提袋里。She transferred her gun from its shoulder holster to her handbag.她肩上披着一条白披巾。She wore a white shawl overher shoulders.她浓密的波浪式头髮飘垂在肩上。Her thick wavy hair flowed over her shoulders.驮篮人肩上扛的或驮货的动物所驮的两边的篮子中的一个One of a pair of baskets carried on the shoulders of a person or on either side of a pack animal.我从那孩子的肩上解下书包。I unburdened the boy of his satchel.现在他似乎决定要把这些焦虑从肩上卸下。Now he seems determined to shrug off such worries.一些手指从肩上冒出来。And fingers sprouting from their shoulders.


披在肩上 fallen over

肩上披巾 scarf

