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缄默的英文翻译 缄默英文怎幺说 缄默的英文例句




    to keep silent

keep [ki:p]

    n.保持,保养,生计,监狱,[史]要塞 vt.保持,保存,遵守,经营,看守,拘留,维持,记(日记,帐等) vi.保持,继续不断

silent [sailәnt]



最妥当的行动方针是缄默不语。The wisest course of action is just to say nothing.含蓄的暗示及不安的缄默。Veiled hints and uneasy silences.你说过要保持无线电缄默的You did say radio silence.倾向于保密或者不洩露资讯,缄默。Inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information.他一再说他有保持缄默的权利Mv client has reserved his right not to answer anv questions.他因惊奇而缄默。He was silent with surprise.伟大的心灵在缄默中受苦。Great souls suffer in silence.我们之中只有一人仍保持着斯巴达人的缄默。Only one among us keeps his spartan reserve.我痛苦地保持缄默。I bit my tongue sorely.只要读一下《奥德赛》,就可以看到特里曼珠是怎样打断他母亲的话并要求她缄默。Note how telemachus in the odyssey silences his mother.


保持缄默 bit her tongue; bit her tongue off; bit his tongue; bit his tongue off; bit my tongue; bit my tongue off; bit our tongues; bit our tongues off; bit their tongues; bit their tongues off; bit your tongues; bit your tongues off; bite her tongue

保持缄默的密约 conspiracy of silence

对...始终保持缄默 keep silent about

故意缄默 mute of malice

缄默症 mutism

运动不能性缄默症 akinetic mutism

