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见面的英文翻译 见面英文怎幺说 见面的英文例句




    to meet
    to see sb

meet [mi:t]

    n.会,集会 adj.适宜的,合适的 vt.遇见,(迎)接,与(某人目光)相遇,(赴约)和...会面,(经介绍)与...相识,对付 vi.相遇,接触

see [si:]



我们在警察局见面。We met at the police station.我们在赛马场见面。We met at the racetrack.我明天在一家诊所有个见面会I have to make an appearance at the clinic tomorrow.要不要取消河边公园的见面会Are you going to cancel the appearance at riverfront park?也许他们会再次见面。Perhaps they'll meet again.有朝一日我们会再见面的。May we meet again someday.在某些情况下,我们的父母会发慈悲,让我们见见面。In certain circumstances our parents would relent and permit us to meet.咱们火车站见面吧。Let's meet at railway station.这个週二我们能见见面吗?Can we meet this tuesday?自从去年我们见面以来,你变化不大。There has been some neglectable changes for you since we met last year.


产销直接见面 establish direct links between the producer and the seller

产销见面 link production with sales

以销定产、产需直接见面 enterprises can) produce according to sales and can directly contact with buyers

初次见面 first interview

工农贸结合、产销见面 industry, agriculture and trade must be combined to bring producers and sellers together

很少与...见面 saw little of; see little of; seen little of; seen much of

月球可见面图 lunar earthside chart

直接见面 direct meeting between talent and employment departments

见面仅略叙寒暄的朋友 speaking acquaintance

