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减慢的英文翻译 减慢英文怎幺说 减慢的英文例句




    to slow down

slow [slәu]

    adj.慢的,迟钝的,不活跃的,缓慢的 v.(~ down)(使)慢下来,(使)减速,减缓 adv.缓慢

down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地


增加量减慢至0。4%,这或许预示着下降趋势的开始。The increase slowed to0.4percent possibly indicating the start of a downtrend.飞机前进的速度因逆风而减慢。The plane's onward movement was slowed by adverse winds.含专利美白複合成份及酸橙皮精华,有助阻止及减慢黑色素形成,同时对抗游离基。Whitening complex and bitter orange peel inhibit melanin production and fight against free radicals.将会减慢经济的发展。It may slow down the development of the economy.噢,这样会减慢我滑行速度Ooh this is going to slow down my slither.在空间移动的时钟钟摆频率会随着运动速度的增加而减慢;That the rate of a clock moving through space will decrease as its speed increases;在雨季,大楼的施工速度会减慢。The construction of the building will slow down when the rain season sets in.这些高的利率开始减慢开支而且推动经济进它的后退之内。These high interest rates began to slow down spending and pushed the economy into its recession.


减慢 slow down; slow up; slowed down; step down; throttle down

经济增长速度减慢 growth retardation

