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降下的英文翻译 降下英文怎幺说 降下的英文例句





lower [lәuә(r)]

    adj.较低的,下级的,下等的,下游的 vi.降低,跌落,减弱 vt.放下,降下,减弱,贬低


我相信注射一针退热剂会使你的热度立刻降下来。I'm sure an antifebrile injection will bring your fever down in no time.雪降下来覆盖住了群山。The snow came in blanketing the mountains.雨水作为雨降下的水,含有少量溶解了的矿物质Water that has fallen as rain and contains little dissolved mineral matter.作为处罚,乔已从少将军衔降下来。Joe has been demoted from the rank of major general as a punishment.除非他血钾降下来…Unless we get his potassium down...从云层降下的淡水水滴。Drops of fresh water that fall as precipitation from clouds.当狂欢降下帷幕的时候,当地人开始拿水管洗刷街道,As the fruity orgy wound down and the hoses came out to wash down the streets降下桁木横帆之外的横帆或旗的高度或垂直距离The height or vertical dimension of a flag or of any square sail other than a course.降下腕臂,置于塔式检修车平台上。Lay down the cantilever on the tower car platform.若发生紧急情况,头顶上会降下一只氧气面罩。An oxygen mask will come down from overhead if case of an emergency.上帝降下愤怒之时斤斤计较,但?赐下广大恩典却是难以衡量。God gives his anger by weight but his mercy without measure.


用千斤顶降下 jack down

通过讨价还价把价格降下来 bargain down

降下 settle over

降下唇肌 depressor labii inferioris

