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化装舞会的英文翻译 化装舞会英文怎幺说 化装舞会的英文例句



[huàzhuāng wǔhuì]

    fancy ball;masque;ridotto;masquerade;masked ball;fancy dress ball;costume party

fancy [fænsi]

    adj.奇特的,异样的 vt.想像,设想,认为,爱好,自负 n.爱好,迷恋,想像力

ball [bɔ:l]


masque [ma:sk; (-) mæsk]


ridotto [ri'dɔtәu]

    n.化装舞会 舞蹈会

masquerade [mæskә'reid; (-) mæskә'red]

    n.化妆舞会 v.化装

masked [ma:skt;mæ-]

    v.伪装 adj.戴面具的

dress [dres]

    n.女服,童装,服装,衣服 v.(给...)穿衣


他为了参加化装舞会,把自己装扮成岁马皇帝。He'd got himself up as a roman emperor for the fancy-dress party.她们打扮成两个女员警来参加化装舞会。They came to the fancy-dress party dressed as two policewomen.喜欢来参加我们的化装舞会吗?Like to come to our fancy dress party?一帮穿着化装舞会衣着的小丑A bunch of buffoons in fancy dress.因为晚上她要同丈夫一起参加一个化装舞会。For in the evening she would be going to a fancy-dress party with her husband.你觉得开个化装舞会怎幺样?What do you say to a masked ball?您有没有去参加化装舞会?Did you go to the masquerade ball?他们第一次见面是在一个化装舞会上,两人都穿着很滑稽的服饰。They first met at a masque when both were in funny costumes.他去参加化装舞会而没戴假面具。He went to the masked ball without masking his face.我们要开一个化装舞会。We are going to have a masked ball.在化装舞会上那个姑娘装扮成一个做善事的女巫。The girl dressed herself up as a white witch at the ball.在一个化装舞会上,一位女士的偏头痛发作,便告诉她丈夫自己先回去了。On the night of the masked ball a woman developed a migraine and told her husband to go alone.


化装舞会的舞蹈服 fancy dress

