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舰队的英文翻译 舰队英文怎幺说 舰队的英文例句





fleet [fli:t]

    n.舰队(尤指有固定活动地区的舰队),港湾,小河 adj.快速的,敏捷的,浅的 adv.浅 vt.消磨 vi.疾驰,飞逝,掠过


我们跟敌舰队打了一场追击战。We had a running fight with the hostile fleet.乌瑟尔在加尔达伦被兽人的舰队伏击。Uther is ambushed by an orcish fleet at caer darrow.西班牙无敌舰队的船只于1588年启航。The ships of the spanish armada took to sea in1588.西班牙无敌舰队的灭亡表明英国海上强国的优势。The destruction of the spanish armada showed england's superiority as a naval power.西班牙无敌舰队在1588年被西班牙国王派遣去攻打英国。The spanish armada was sent by the king of spain to invade england in1588.西班牙无敌舰队在一五八八年派遣到英格兰。The spanish armada sailed to england in1588.一个行进中的人类舰队。A terran battlegroup in motion.这就是“瓦萨”号,帝国大舰队的皇家旗舰。This was the vasa royal flagship of the great imperial fleet.


小舰队 flotilla

志愿舰队 volunteer fleet

捕鲸舰队 n. whaling fleet

海军舰队军事检察院 military procuratorate of the naval fleet; military prosecutors'' office of the naval fleet

海军舰队军事法院 court-martial of the naval fleet

登陆舰队指挥舰 flotilla-flagship landing-ship

舰队 fleet; naval force

舰队军事检察院 military procuratorate of a fleet

舰队军事法院 military court of a fleet

舰队利益 n. fleet profit

舰队加油船 fleet oiler

舰队司令 admiral

舰队基地 fleet base

舰队指挥舰长室 commodore''s cabin

舰队空中控制与监视站 fleet air control and surveillance facilities

舰队辅助船 fleet auxiliary

雷达巡逻舰队 n. fishing fleet

