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话务的英文翻译 话务英文怎幺说 话务的英文例句




    telephone traffic

telephone [telifәun]

    n.电话,电话机 v.打电话

traffic [træfik]

    n.交通,通行,运输,贸易,交通量,交易,交往,通信量 vi.交易,买卖 vt.在...通行,用...作交换


可改善话音的品质,但只适用于全速率话务通道。Efr speech coder enhanced full rate speech coder.一旦拥塞,控制话务量的流量Control the flow of traffic in the event of congestion但问题是话务员还必须有关于当地情况的知识。But the problem is my telephonist must have local knowledge as well.电话系统中的话务强度单位。A unit of traffic intensity in a telephone system.对于一个话务员来说,没有好的坐功是不行的。A telephone operator needs the patience to sit for a long time.话务员,我想打个长途到bedford645931号214分机。Operator can I have a trunk call to bedford645931 extension214 please?话务员还键入出事地点。The operator also keys in the location.话务员应该对当地情况很熟悉,是吧?苏:是的。Is a telephonist supposed to have local knowledge?话务员应该熟悉当地情况。A telephonist is supposed to have local knowledge.如果你是话务员也很安全Not if you're a radio operator.他坐下来等着,等话务员接通他的电话。He sat down and waited while the operator put through his call.汤姆:你以前做过话务员吗?Tom: have you worked as a telephonist before?


查询台话务员 information operator

电子话务记录机 electronic traffic-recording machine

话务员 telephonist

话务自动分配器 automatic traffic distributor

话务量 telephone communication requirement

