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坚持下去的英文翻译 坚持下去英文怎幺说 坚持下去的英文例句



[jiānchí xiàqù]

    to press on

press [pres]

    n.压,按,印刷,压力,拥挤,紧握,新闻 vt.压,压榨,紧抱,逼迫 vi.压,逼迫,拥挤,受压


面临着进退两难的困境,他决定顽强地坚持下去。Faced with the dilemma, he opted for soldiering on.坚持下去!最后胜利已经在望了。Keep it up! Final victory is in sight.“她正在寻找一种可以让她鼓起勇气、坚持下去的东西。”"She was searching for something that would give her the inspiration to hang on."如果他们能坚持下去,情况会好起来。If they can hang on things will get better.我很清楚如果我一味坚持下去会产生什幺样的后果。There was no doubt what consequences would ensue if I persisted.我要牢牢记住古老的平衡法则,鼓励自己坚持下去,I will remember the ancient law of averages and I will bend it to my good.这批穷困的山区民族决定要继续坚持下去。The poor mountain people are determined to hang on.这是艰苦的工作,但如果你坚持下去,你会成功的。It is hard work but if you hang on long enough you will succeed.抓住他的注意力,然后就坚持下去。Grab his attention and then hang on in there.所有的人都反对他,但他还是坚持下去了。All men were against him but he persevered none the less.统一战线必须坚持下去;The united front must be persevered in;油漆房子挺累人的,不过你要是坚持下去,操劳的成果会使人感到值得。Painting the house is tiring but if you hang on the results are worth the effort.遇难矿工盼望援救人员正在接近他们,这是他们赖以坚持下去的唯一希望。Only the hope that the rescuer is get nearer sustain the trap miner.


坚持下去 hang upon

顽强地坚持下去 soldier on

