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换取的英文翻译 换取英文怎幺说 换取的英文例句




    give sth and get sth in return

give [giv]

    n.弹性,可弯性 vt.给,授予,供给,献出,让步,引起,发表,捐助 vi.捐赠,让步


    abbr 缩写 = South: Sth Pole, eg on a map 南极(如标于地图上的)

get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽

return [ri'tә:n]

    n.回来,返回,来回票,利润,回答 adj.返回的,回程的,报答的,反向的,重现的 vi.回返,归还 vt.归还,回报,报告,获得,回答,返回


巴勒斯坦官员一周前主动提出实施和平措施,以换取以色列从西岸城镇撤军。Calm in exchange for an israeli pullout from west bank towns.第一联施工单位交船方,向海事局换取证明。Ship offers the first file to maritime safety administration for certificate.员警滥用权力以换取好处和利益。The misuse of police power in return for favors of gain.利用公众舆论来换取对你有利的离婚?Soften up public sentiment for a generous divorce settlement?去换取美人鱼的未来?Mermaid exchange for the future?我们绝不出卖主权来换取先进的技术知识。We will never~ away our sovereignty for advanced technical know-how.以换取做白领工人的殊荣。For the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.用农产品换取工业製成品;将把我的票和你换Trade farm products for manufactured goods; will trade my ticket for yours.这些海盗向船主索取金钱以换取释放水手。The pirates demanded money from the ship owners for their release.


为了换取 in exchange for

以...换取 swop for

以旧物折价换取新物 trade in

利用职务上的便利,以伪造的货币换取货币的犯罪 crimes committed by taking advantages of one''s position and exchanging counterfeited currencies for currencies

换取 truck to

换取产品 exchange for products

换取外汇 earning of foreign exchange from

股票换取比率 exchange ratio

