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还击的英文翻译 还击英文怎幺说 还击的英文例句




    to hit back
    to return fire

hit [hit]

    n.打击,打,碰撞,讽刺,(演出等)成功 vt.打,打击,碰撞,击中,袭击,偶然发现,伤...的感情,找到 vi.打,打中,打击,碰撞,偶然碰上

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持

return [ri'tә:n]

    n.回来,返回,来回票,利润,回答 adj.返回的,回程的,报答的,反向的,重现的 vi.回返,归还 vt.归还,回报,报告,获得,回答,返回

fire [faiә(r)]

    n.火,炉火,火灾,失火,闪光,炮火,热情,激情 vt.点燃,烧制,使发光,给(炉子等)加燃料,放枪,激动,解雇 vi.开枪,射击,着火,烧火,激动


克拉伦斯•文森低头躲闪,向外抵挡,用右手交叉拳还击。Clarence vinson bobs parries outside and counter-punches with the right cross.员警宣称他们在受到无缘无故的袭击后被迫开枪还击。Police claimed they were forced to fire after coming under unprovoked attack.诺曼在下一次选举中勇敢地进行了还击。Norman fought back courageously in the next election.他嚷道我们应该还击。He roared that we should fight back.听着,你必须还击。Listen you have to counter his punch.小船上的人们用步枪和旧炮进行还击。The people on the little boats fought back firing rifles and old guns.这解释了她为什幺没有还击That explains why she didn't fight back.此外,他还击中体育记者…In addition he hit the sportswriter...然后朝鲜将用大炮还击And the north koreans respond with their artillery.他们进行了自卫还击。They fought back in self-defence.


用...还击 counter with

还击 fire back; paid back; pay back

