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[jiān xì]


taper [teipә(r)]

    n.锥形,锥度 v.逐渐变细,逐渐减少


弹子球或檯球中用来撞击母球的尖细的杆子。Tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards.胡萝蔔根胡萝蔔通常一端尖细延长的橙色肉质的根,可作为蔬菜食用The usually tapering elongate fleshy orange root of this plant eaten as a vegetable.她的脚巧妙地伸向了前端尖细的鞋子里。Her foot pointed artfully toward tapering toes.幼鸟发出吱吱啾啾的叫声发出如幼鸟的短促且轻而尖细的声音;唧唧或吱吱地叫To utter short soft high-pitched sounds like those of a baby bird; cheep.这支笔的笔尖细。This pen has a fine point.角,岬,半岛伸入水中的一块逐渐变得尖细的陆地;半岛、角或岬A tapering extension of land projecting into water; a peninsula cape or promontory.旧法的录音高亢尖细。The old recording was tinny and high-pitched.氯酸钾污染对蚕豆根尖细胞的遗传毒性效应。Cytogenetic toxicity of potassium chlorate on vicia faba root tip cells.他用尖细而颤抖的声音说话。He spoke with a reedy quavering voice.一种贴头的毛线帽;通常有一个尖细的穗尾。A close-fitting woolen cap; often has a tapering tail with a tassel.有着尖细,刺耳的声音…Had a kind of wiry raspy voice...转辙器一端尖细可移动的铁轨,如用于铁路岔道的A movable rail tapered at the end such as that used in a railroad switch.

