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簧管的英文翻译 簧管英文怎幺说 簧管的英文例句



[huáng guǎn]

    reed pipe

reed [ri:d]


pipe [paip]

    n.管,导管,烟斗,管乐器,笛声 vt.以管输送,吹哨子 vi.吹笛,尖叫


一种次高音双簧管;英国管的先驱。An alto oboe; precursor of the english horn.一种双簧的木制管乐器,类似于双簧管,但音高比双簧管低五度。A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth.这支单簧管有三个半八度音阶的音域。The clarinet has a compass of three-and-a-half octaves.爱好长笛和双簧管演奏。Like to play flute and oboe.吹奏双簧管的音乐家。A musician who plays the oboe.带有手指孔的簧管能发出悦耳的音乐。Reed pipe with finger holes on which the melody is played.低音大号音栓风琴里的簧管音栓,有八个音高A reed stop in an organ having eight-foot pitch.发出类似双簧管声音的风琴音栓A reed stop in an organ that produces a sound similar to that of the oboe.克劳斯的f大调单簧管五重奏。Klaus'clarinet quintet in f sharp.木管乐器,比如说双簧管A woodwind say an oboe.你们打扰我练习双簧管了You're disturbing my oboe practice.她学起双簧管来了。She has taken up the oboe.中世纪的双簧管形式。A medieval form of the oboe.


中音双簧管 alto oboe

低音单簧管 bass clarinet

单簧管 clarinet

双簧管 oboe

弹簧管井下压力计 Bourdon-type pressure bomb

弹簧管刮刀 spring-tube scraper

弹簧管压力錶 pressure gauge,Bourdon tube

弹簧管压力计 Bourdon gauge

弹簧管式压力计 spring-tube manometer

弹簧管真空表 vacuum gauge,bourdon tube

弹簧管调节器 bourdon tube controller

