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phoenix [fi:niks]



凤凰:标誌犹如一只凤凰迎面飞来,有很强的视觉冲击力。Phoenix: sign like a phoenix head on fly a strong vision wallop.哈利波特与凤凰令。Harry potter and the order of the ph.就像欲火重生的凤凰。Like a phoenix from the flames.看见故乡的凤凰花?Seen the hometown phoenix flowers?说不定天使小凤凰或万童已经找到了一条更好的路线呢。Perhaps angel or won ton have found a better route.万童,你去搜索河流与小溪,天使小凤凰,你负责空中侦察。Won ton explore the rivers and streams. Angel patrol the sky.这栋住宅嵌在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔的一座山坡上,俯视凤凰城,尽善尽美。Tucked on a hillside in scottsdale arizona that overlooks phoenix the property is stunning.最后,伯伯告诉我们深圳有一座凤凰大厦,这凤凰卫视就更方便在深圳发现一些重要的新闻。The uncle told we: in shenzhen there is a phenix builing now it can know many thing in shenzhen.


凤凰 bird of wonder

凤凰乌龙茶 Fong Hwang Oolong tea

凤凰奇种茶 Fong Hwang Chi Chung tea

凤凰水仙茶 Fong Hwang Shui Hseen tea

凤凰浪茶 Fong Hwang Lang Chai tea

凤凰牌台钻 phenix bench drill

凤凰牌汽车 Phoenix

凤凰牌汽车 Phoenix

凤凰牌洗衣机 Phoenix washing machine

凤凰牌电冰箱 Phoenix refrigerator

凤凰蛋面 phoenix egg noodle

凤凰衣 membrane of hen egg

象凤凰一样从灰烬再生 rise phoenix like from the ashes; risen phoenix like from the ashes; rose phoenix like from the ashes

