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璜的英文翻译 璜英文怎幺说 璜的英文例句



    semi-circular jade ornament

Semi-circular ['semi'sə:kjulə]


jade [dʒeid]

    n.碧玉,翡翠,老马 adj.绿色的,玉制的 v.(使)疲倦

ornament [ɔ:nәmәnt]

    n.装饰物,教堂用品 vt.装饰,修饰


唐璜勾引了许多年轻女子。Don juan seduced many young girls.唐璜再一次的胜利了!Don juan triumphs once again!突然间你就变成了唐璜And suddenly you're don juan de poconos.一位油漆工兼装璜工正在粉刷房子的墙壁。A painter and decorator was painting the walls of the house.已年尽垂暮的唐璜在一起An over-the-hill don juan anymore.装璜者,装饰者尤指室内装饰工One that decorates especially an interior decorator.装饰,装璜装饰,装饰的程式、方法或艺术The act process technique or art of decorating.装饰性的用作装璜或修饰的;装饰的Serving to decorate or embellish; ornamental.房间装璜最好是清新自然、爽透气、洁大方。Suggestions: simple and natural decoration with materials of good ventilation.式样一定下来,我们就要对内部装璜作出基本的决定。Once we settled on the styling we had to make some basic decisions about the interior.他创作了诗剧《曼弗雷德》,《唐璜》的前两章。He produced the verse drama manfred the first two cantos of don juan.


商品装璜 commodity decoration

室内装璜产品 interior finish product

室内装璜,室内装修 upholstery

装璜 decoration; ornament

装璜板 decoration board

装璜灯 electrolier lamp

装璜灯开关 electrolier switch

装璜用盒 fancy box

