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剪掉的英文翻译 剪掉英文怎幺说 剪掉的英文例句



[jiǎn diào]

    to cut off
    to cut away
    to trim

cut [kʌt]

    v.切(割、削),(直线等)相交,剪,截,刺穿,刺痛,删节,开闢 n.(刀、剑、鞭等的)切削,削减,删节,伤口,切口


不要剪掉,放在讲台后就好了Don't cut it down.just put it up behind the dais.你能把刘海儿剪掉大约一英寸吗?Can you take about an inch off the bangs?你为什幺剪掉你的头髮Why did you cut off yours?若需要的话,省道区域外的衬布也可以修剪掉,目的是减少臃肿。If needed interfacing can also be trimmed out of dart areas to reduce bulk.他把树干上的小分枝都剪掉。He cupped the branches from the trunk.把那棵灌木的顶枝剪掉。Shave off the top branches of that bush.把一边的小圈圈全部剪掉的面料就叫做丝绒。When the loops have been sheared off on one side the fabric is known as velour.耳朵上面,您想多剪掉一点吗?Would you trim off a bit more there above the ear?烧之前剪掉菜的叶根部。Trim off the leafy ends of the vegetable before cooking.我们可以剪掉第二段,直接进入合唱部分We could cut the second verse pop back into the chorus.我希望她把那散乱的灰发剪掉!I wish she'd have that straggly grey hair cut.


剪掉 sheat off

剪掉翅膀 clip her wings; clip his wings; clip my wings; clip our wings; clip their wings; clip your wings; clipped her wings; clipped his wings; clipped my wings; clipped our wings; clipped their wings; clipped your wings

