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煎蛋的英文翻译 煎蛋英文怎幺说 煎蛋的英文例句



[jiān dàn]

    fried egg

fried [fraid]


egg [eg]

    n.蛋,鸡蛋,卵 v.怂恿,怂恿


呃,真是不错的煎蛋捲Mm that's a good omelet.煎蛋饼吧唧一下掉到了地上。The omelette fell splat onto the floor.煎蛋饼是用紫苏和茉乔栾那这样的香料草调味而成的。The omelet is flavored with herbs such as basil and marjoram.煎蛋捲,肉卷和水果Which is like an omelet roll and fruit.煎蛋用的平底锅。A pan used for cooking eggs.你会做煎蛋捲吗?Can you cook an omelet?你要煮嫩蛋,老蛋还是煎蛋?Do you like your egg soft-boiled hard-boiled or fried?请给我煎蛋和土司。B: I'd like scrambled egg and toast please.他点了一份乳酪煎蛋饼。He ordered a cheese omelette.我们不打破一些鸡蛋就不能做出煎蛋饼Can't make an omelet without breakin'some eggs.我们能轻而易举地吃完这盘成肉煎蛋。We can polish off this plate of bacon and eggs easily.我想我只有时间匆匆做一个煎蛋饼。I think I've just about got enough time to whip up an omelette.一旦你掌握了煎蛋饼的技巧,做起来就很容易了。Making an omelette is easy once you've got the knack.有人的丹佛煎蛋捲好了Someone's denver omelet's up.早餐包括有煮蛋、炒蛋、煎蛋、卧蛋。您要哪一种?Breakfast contains boiled egg scrambled egg fried egg poached egg which one do you prefer?

