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换新的英文翻译 换新英文怎幺说 换新的英文例句



[huàn xīn]

    to replace with something new
    to upgrade

replace [ri'pleis]


something [sʌmθiŋ]

    pron.某事,某物 adj.有点象,大约

new [nju:; (-) nu:]

    adj.新的,初见的,更新的 adv.新近

upgrade [ʌp'greid]

    n.升级,上升,上坡 adv.往上 vt.使升级,提升,改良品种


你以旧缝纫机折价换新合算吗?Did you get a good trade-in on your sewing machine?计算器需换新电池。The calculator needs a new battery.房主想把旧屋折价换新房子。The homeowner wants to trade up.改换新发动机上的发电机,并手工装配紧固螺钉。Convert generator on new engine and fit fastening screws by hand.红旗卷起农奴戟,黑手高悬霸主鞭。为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天。The red flag rouse the serf halberd in hand while the despot's black talons held his whip aloft.你的打火机需换新电石了。Your cigarette-lighter needs a new flint.新外观老观念,旧酒换新瓶An old idea in a new guise把旧汽车折价以贴换新车。To trade in your old car.船员厕所里小便池排水管需换新。Urinal drain pipes in crew toilets to be renewed.请把这只鞋换新鞋底。Please put new soles on these shoes.所有水密门的多孔橡皮密封垫换新。All sponge rubber packing for watertight doors need to be renewed.我一定要记住更换新的铁路季票。I must remember to renew my british rail season ticket.执照换新有两个特别附加条件。The licence renewal had two special conditions attached.


一部分换新 n. part renew

以旧换新的买卖 trade in sale

以旧换新的旧物折价 trade in allowance

债券换新 bond refunding; refunding

公债换新 refunding

劳动变换,劳动调动,劳动换新,劳工移动率,劳工周转 labor turnover

换新 replacement

换新及重置準备 reserve for renewal and relacement

换新成本 renewal cost

贴旧换新 trade away

贴旧换新交易 trade-in transaction

贴旧换新价值 trade-in value

贴旧换新折价 trade-in allowance

贴旧换新,贴旧换新的折价物 trade-in; trade away

