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warship [wɔ:ʃip]



一艘战舰正在建造中。A warship was under construction.一长排使舰身复位的缆绳一直通到福特岛上的绞车。The long row of righting cables stretched to winches on ford island.一种把船首或舰首固定在码头的固定索。A mooring line that secures the bow of a boat or ship to a wharf.在白浪滔天的大海中,双方进行了一场追逐战,直到巡洋舰“希佩尔”号突然来到了现场。A running fight ensued in a heavy sea until the cruisers hipper appeared on the scene.在反潜艇战中,空中的武器现在已和水面的舰艇并驾齐驱。In anti-u-boat warfare the air weapon was now an equal partner with the surface ship.在南美洲海岸外的舰艇上发生了一次哗变。A mutiny has taken place off the coast of south america.作为一个战略单位组织起来的一组军舰。A group of warships organized as a tactical unit.


三级舰艇 Class 3 warship; third-class warship; warship of the third class

两栖战兵力指挥舰 amphibious force flagship

两栖攻击舰 amphibious assault ship

中立军舰 neutral warship

主力舰 n. battle wagon

主要的战舰 major combatants

以航空母舰为基地的 carrier based

伪装舰船 decoy ship

供应舰 n. depot ship

侦察舰 n. scout

内燃机布雷舰 motor mine layer

军舰 warship

军舰之庇护 asylum in warship

军舰修釺机 n. galley dresser

军舰内禁闭室 brig

军舰取弹勺 n. galley ladle

军舰司令塔 conning tower

军舰工程师 n. naval engineer

军舰排分量 n. tonnage capacity

军舰排水量 tonnage

军舰旗 esign

军舰桅顶上的武器发射台 n. fighting top

军队运输舰 n. troop ship

前导舰 leading ship

前导舰船 guide ship

前行舰 forward ship

副舰长 executive officer

加拿大皇家海军舰艇 Her Majesty''s Canadian Ship

单舱巡洋舰 n. sedan cruiser

原子动力巡洋舰 atomic powred curiser

