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imbue [im'bju:]



他逐渐对互联网上无休无尽的暴力感到厌恶。He began to sicken of the endless violence shown on internet.一系列逐渐的变化。A graded series of transformations.于是那个朦胧的轮廓渐渐成形了。Then the shadowy outline did take form.


一致渐近可略条件 uniformly asymptotically negligible condition, UAN condition

一致渐近稳定性 uniformly asymptotic stability

中小模数渐开线花键滚轧机 small and medium module involute spline rolling machine

主要设备的逐渐替换 piecemeal replacement of major units

从...处渐渐排出 drain from

从...处渐渐消失 drain from

任意地渐渐地走向 drift to; drift towards

使渐渐变为精良 fine off

使渐渐消失在 verge into

使灯光渐渐暗下来 dim down

使灯光逐渐变亮 dim up

使逐渐而巧妙地进入 insinuate into

信号渐弱式导航定向 fade out range orientation

克拉默渐近效率 Cramer asymptotic efficiency

全域渐近稳定性 global asymptotic stability

全域渐近稳定的 globally asymptotically stable

准渐开线齿锥齿轮 palioid gear产形冠轮上的齿线近似于渐开线的锥齿轮。

单行渐进式建立火灾控制线法 functional method; progressive method; progressive method of line construction

反应堆的逐渐停堆 piledown

发动机渐渐地停下来 putter out

均匀渐伐 uniform shelterwood cutting

块状渐伐 group-shelterwood cutting

垂直渐近线 vertical asymptote

声音渐弱 fade down

多模渐变型光纤 graded index multimode optical fiber

存货渐减 stock running low

对...渐渐产生影响 creep up on

将...渐渐耗尽 drain of

局部渐近稳定性 local asymptotic stability

巴哈杜尔渐近效率 Bahadur asymptotic efficiency

