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贱的英文翻译 贱英文怎幺说 贱的英文例句




inexpensive [inik'spensiv]


lowly [lәuli]

    adj.地位低的,卑贱的,谦逊的 adv.位置低下的,低声地,谦逊地


我不能把自己贱卖了不是?I can not undersell myself right?我来对付那个练跆拳道的贱人I'll handle the slutty kickboxer.我用我的卑贱的方式祈祷,我们将想我们的大地母亲迈步,在这条神圣的道路上I am praying in a humble way we walk on this mother earth in this sacred way像你这种贱民总是撒谎You untouchable people always lie.一封以吻缄封的信不代表那贱人不是个混帐A swak does not mean that this bitch couldn't be a bastard.一个低贱的平民进入元老院?A lowly pleb in the senate?一个小女明星总喜欢那种最低级下贱的、鼠头鼠脑的、最善于招摇撞骗的电影界的风云人物。A starlet would prefer the crummiest the rattiest the phoniest movie wheel.因为他们不认为端盘子涮碗是下贱、落魄。They don't consider washing dishes to be contemptible and sorehead.有个贱民男人藏在这个村子里A guy from the untouchable community is hiding in this village.有头衔的贵族是下贱的。The titled aristocracy are the scum of the earth.在当了六年的贱民之后Boom! After six years of being a pariah这个卑贱者的崇高品质。The sublimity of that wretch.这种下贱的差使,根本用不着劳“黑暗之王”的大驾。The prince of darkness does not condescend to such cheap drudgery.


使成为贱民 outcaste oneself

出清存货大贱卖 clearance sale; great reduction in order to clear

含有贱金属的硬辅币 base coin

多而贱的 two a penny

大贱卖 clearance sale; sacrifice; offering

底货贱卖 cheap clearance sale

贱买 buy cheap

贱买贵卖 buy cheap and sell dear

贱人 hang dog; hangdog

贱价抛售 go for a song

贱卖 clear

贱民 rabble

贱金属 base metal

贱金属试验块 n. base metal test piece

贱金属货币 base-metallic money

贵卖贱买 buying cheap and selling dear on the international market)

