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嫁接的英文翻译 嫁接英文怎幺说 嫁接的英文例句




    to graft (a branch to a rootstock)

graft [gra:ft; (-) græft]

    n.嫁接,(接技用的)嫩枝,(皮肤等的)移植,赎职 v.嫁接,接技,移植(皮肤等),赎职

branch [bra:ntʃ]

    n.枝,分枝,分部,分店,(学科)分科,部门,支流,支脉 v.出现分歧


接受嫁接的植物被称为砧木。The plant that accepts the graft is called the root stock.接穗仅作为嫁接植物的“天线”部分。The scion supplies only aerial parts to the graft.马尾松无性系嫁接种子园营建技术研究。Study on establishing graft seed orchard of pinus massoniana lamb.然后接穗就可以安全地被嫁接到砧木的切口上。The scion is then securely placed into the cut on the root stock.他们把一枝新品种玫瑰嫁接在野生玫瑰上。They engrafted a new rose onto a wild rose.同源嫁接;同系的动物Syngeneic grafts; syngeneic animals.一些通常所所说的果树如甜樱桃和麦金托什苹果都是通过嫁接方式培育的。Some common fruit trees such as sweet cherries and mcintosh apples have to be grafted.郁李接穗对杏砧木的嫁接蒙导作用The graft mentor effect of the scion of prunus japonica thunb.on the stock of prunus armeniaca l.长出红肉樱桃的树枝一定是嫁接在砧木上的。Branches that produce bing cherries must be grafted onto root stock.这个嫁接的支条和嫩芽叫做接穗。The branch or bud that is grafted is called a scion.这是尖拱式样嫁接于开阔穹窿的一种风格。It is the graft of the pointed upon the round arch.


块茎嫁接 tuber grafting

嫁接 grafting

嫁接于 graft in; graft into; graft on; graft onto; graft upon

嫁接亲和力 grafting affinity

嫁接刀 grafting knife

嫁接在...上 ingraft into; ingraft on; ingraft onto; ingraft upon

嫁接嵌合体 grafting chimaera

嫁接性精神分裂症 pfropf schizophrenia

嫁接性精神病 propfschizophrenia

嫁接结合部 graft union

胚嫁接 embryo grafting

远缘嫁接 distant grafting

