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badger [bædʒә(r)]

    n.獾,獾皮毛 vt.迫使(某人吐露实话),诱使(某人暴露自己)


獾大步流星地跨进房间。The badger strode heavily into the room.獾放下手里的报纸。The badger laid down his paper.他们像狼獾一样战斗,也向狼獾一样进食。Get of fenris: they fight like the wolverine and they eat like wolverines too.最好的男用刮胡刷由獾毛製成。The best quality men's shaving brushes are made from badger bristle.獾与浣熊杂交品?A cross between a badger and a raccoon?狼獾是一种非常贪吃的动物。The wolverine is an extremely voracious eater.狼獾是鼬鼠家族里体型最大的A wolverine the biggest of the weasel family他们是我朋友,獾和鸭嘴兽And my other friend the platypus.橡木智者和狼獾之心线性增长,20级上更明显?Oak sage and heart of wolverine now function properly above skill level20.这不是真的。我从没有叫过你妈狼獾。Carol: it's not true. I never called your mother a wolverine.


华北獾毛 North China badger hair

水獾毛 water badger hair

獾毛 badger hair blaireau

獾皮 badger skin

獾绒皮褥子 plucked badger skin plate

獾腿把毛 dressed badger leg hair

生獾皮 raw badger skin

石獾尾巴毛 dressed water badger tail bair

石獾把毛 dressed water badger hair

