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家资的英文翻译 家资英文怎幺说 家资的英文例句



[jiā zī]

    family property

family [fæmili]

    n.家庭,家族,家属,亲属,子女,僚属 adj.家庭的,家族的

property [prɔpәti]



军费开支是国家资源的一大消耗。Military spending is a huge drain on the country's resources.比如国家资本主义,是讲逐步实行。For instance state capitalism as stipulated is to be put into practice gradually.经过国家资本主义,完成由资本主义到社会主义的改造。The transformation of capitalism into socialism is to be accomplished through state capitalism.他指控他们试图滥用国家资源。He accused them of trying to misdirect national resources.投资银行是西方国家资本市场的重要主体。Investment banking is a principal part in capital market of the western countries.我们必须动用所有国家资源来防堵这种传染病。We must mobilize all national resources to prevent the infectious disease.资本主义工商业要逐渐引向国家资本主义。Capitalist industry and commerce must be gradually guided towards state capitalism.


企业家资源 entrepreneurial resources

国家资产 national assets

国家资产负债对照表 national balance sheet

国家资本 national capital

国家资本主义经济 state-capitalist economy

国家资本金 state capital

国家资源 national resources

国家资源产业 national resource industries

国家资源委员会 National Resource Committee NRC)

国家资金 public funds

国家资金占用费 fees on use of state funds

新式的国家资本主义经济 state-capitalist economy of a new type

挥霍浪费国家资金 squander state funds

最重要的国家资源 crucial national resources

沿海国家资源管辖权 jurisdiction over resources of coastal states

盗窃国家资材 theft of state property

盗窃国家资财 theft of state property

租让制的国家资本主义 concession state capitalism

转移国家资金 misuse state funds

