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坏脾气的英文翻译 坏脾气英文怎幺说 坏脾气的英文例句



[huài píqi]

    bad temper

bad [bæd]


temper [tempә(r)]

    n.(钢等)韧度,回火,性情,脾气,情绪,心情,调剂,趋向 v.(冶金)回火、锻炼,调和,调节


那些坏脾气的老人们喋喋不休于父母生儿育女之责任的妨碍性效应。The old curmudgeon was talking about the smothering effects of parental duty on creative lives.你该如何让坏脾气的小熊高兴呢?如果你和欢呼熊在打保龄球的时候可以全中,他就笑了!Can you make grumpy bear happy? If you and cheer bear get a strike you'll bowl him over with smiles!您使一个生病、坏脾气的可怜人再度快活起来。You have made a sick ill-tempered pitiful person feel cheery again.他碰上了一位坏脾气、爱争吵的主管。He met a crabbed cantankerous director.我不羡慕他有个坏脾气的妻子。I don't envy him his bad-tempered wife.我们不得不忍受他的坏脾气。We have to bear with his bad temper.我知道如何应付一个坏脾气的老闆。I know how to handle a bad-tempered boss.一个坏脾气的矮胖妇人。A cross dumpy woman.发怒,一阵怒气坏脾气或生气的发作A fit of bad temper or pique.坏脾气的最后一阵发作。A final spasm of bad temper.他是个独居的坏脾气的老单身汉。He's a crusty old bachelor who lives alone.由于过度的完美主义和坏脾气,凯特开始受人关注。Kate has started to become a concern because of her excess of perfectionism and ill temper.约翰说他正努力抑制自己的坏脾气。Rein in means to control

