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    scented tea

scented [sentid]


tea [ti:]

    n.茶,茶树,茶叶,茶点 vt.给...沏茶 vi.喝茶,进茶点


慢慢地品味菊花茶,To savor the chrysanthemum tea你想试试茉莉花茶吗?Would you care to try the jasmine tea?泡了一壶菊花茶。And brewed this pot of chrysanthemum tea.谁泡的菊花茶呀?好香哦!Who brewed this chrysanthemum tea?我刚才正想喝菊花茶,Just now I fancied drinking chrysanthemum tea我们都很喜欢喝花茶。We all like herbal tea...我能尝尝茉莉花茶吗?Can I try jasmine tea?我想喝点茉莉花茶。I'd like some jasmine tea.我最喜欢茉莉花茶。I like jasmine tea best of all.乌龙茶还是茉莉花茶?Oolong tea or jasmine tea?一杯提神而芳香的茉莉花茶。A refreshing aromatic tea made from jasmine.店面以销售北方老百姓习惯喝的茉莉花茶、乌龙茶、龙井茶、碧螺春等大众化名茶为主、同时销售茶具、茶食品。Shop front with sell the jasmine tea oolong tea tea of longjing the bluish green.选择不含咖啡因的咖啡、黄春菊花茶或者热牛奶。Opt for decaffeinated coffee camomile tea or warm milk.


元春茉莉花茶 Yuan Chun scented jasmine tea

兰花茶 orchid tea

北京花茶 Beijing scented tea

印花茶巾 printed dish towel

天山明毫花茶 Tian Shan Ming Hao jasmine tea

天山春毫花茶 Tian Shan Chun Hao jasmine tea

春毫茉莉花茶 Chun Hao scented jasmine tea

木兰花茶 magnolia tea

棉麻印花茶巾 cotton and linen printed tea towel

特级茉莉花茶 superior jasmine tea

玫瑰花茶 rose tea

珠兰花茶 chloranthus tea zhulan tea

白牡丹花茶 White Peony scented tea

绣花茶垫 embroidered cup mattress

绣花茶壶保暖罩 embroidered tea cozy

花茶 scented tea

茉莉花茶 jasmine tea

茉莉银毫花茶 Mo Li Yin Hao jasmine tea

菊花茶 chrysanthemum tea

雨花茶 Yuhua tea

麻布压光印花茶巾 linen printed tea towel calendered finish, hemmed

