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加进的英文翻译 加进英文怎幺说 加进的英文例句



[jiā jìn]

    to add
    to mix in
    to incorporate

add [æd]


mix [miks]

    v.使混和,混淆,混合 n.混合


按两下您要恢复或重新加进的对象。Double-click the object that you want to undelete or to reanimate.他多此一举地把自己意见的观点加进了讨论之中。Superfluously he added his silly comments to the discussion.他认为加进去的太不合适,也不光明正大,简直是在耍无赖。He considered additions unfair and scoundrelly.他想强行参加进去。He intended to muscle in.我们可以在油漆里加进少量的稀释剂。We can stir a small amount of thinner into the paint.我认为我们应该在合同中加进罚款一条。I think we should invoke the penalty clause in the contract.也许他会添油加醋加进波兰人的笑话Maybe he threw in one polack joke too many.再加进导火线,表面涂满机油And rig up a simple fuse.then you coat the whole thing with axle grease.再加进第三维,z轴You add a third dimension a z-axis...张说,钕和铬不是故意添加进去的,但会自然产生。Zhang said the chromium and neodymium were not deliberately added but occurred naturally.这会增加进口,使贸易差额恶化并使本国货币疲软。This will tend to raise imports worsen the trade balance and weaken the domestic currency.这就是我为什幺要加进一个山谷,开裂的山丘和两座小山。That's why I put in a valley splitting the massif into two smaller mountains.


加进 add in

加进在...之中 insert in

累加进位 accumulative carry

附加进给阀 n. extra feed valve

