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加盖的英文翻译 加盖英文怎幺说 加盖的英文例句



[jiā gài]

    to seal (with official stamp)
    to stamp
    fig. to ratify

seal [si:l]

    n.封铅,封条,印,图章,密封 vt.封,密封 n.海豹,海豹毛皮

official [ә'fiʃ(ә)l; (-) 'ɔ:f-]

    n.官员,公务员 adj.职务上的,公务的,官方的,正式的

stamp [stæmp]

    n.邮票,印花,印,图章,标誌,印记,跺脚,顿足 v.跺(脚),顿(足),压印


谁在那楼房正面加盖了那麽一截讨厌的建筑物?Who perpetrated that dreadful extension to the front of the building?国玺加盖在公告上。The great seal is affixed to proclamations.(五)加盖公章的营业执照影本;5.copy Of business license stamped with the official seal;将通心面和乳酪倒出,再次搅拌。加入巴马乳酪,不加盖烤10分钟。Stir the macaroni and cheese.add the parmesan cheese and bake uncovered for10minutes.他在这个档上加盖了公章。He apposed an official seal to the document.为房子加盖一个平台屋顶。Provide with a terrace as of a house.信要加盖邮戳后才能寄出。You must stamp these letters before you post them.在网上递交加盖印花申请后,可否以电子方式缴交印花税?Can I pay stamp duty electronically after submitting a stamping application online?


加盖"邮资已付"的自动邮资盖印机 franking machine

加盖术 shelf operation

加盖起重机 capping crane

在...上加盖子 head up

在票面加盖有关罚金及限制条款戳记的公债 stamped bond

未加盖坑洞罪 criminal offense of giving no cover to holes or caves in public place

玻璃瓶加盖机 glass bottle capping machine

船公司在提单上加盖的免责条款 not responsible clause

船公司在提单上所加盖的印戳条款 stamp clause

