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痂的英文翻译 痂英文怎幺说 痂的英文例句




scab [skæb]

    n.疤,痂,不参加罢工的工人,恶棍,工贼 vi.结痂,当工贼


观察出口有无出血,结痂,发炎及破皮。Observe stoma site for bleeding crust irritation and broken skin.在焦痂脱落或手术去除前难以确定其分期。Stage is difficult to determine until eschar has sloughed or has been surgically removed.在一个日益麻木不仁的世界上,我们的知觉都已生了硬痂,我们都生活在自己的茧壳之中。In an increasingly callous world we all exist with our own carapaces of scabbed-over sensibilities.悲伤好象是帮助癒合的结痂。It is as if grief is the scab that permits healing.他腿上结了个痂。A scab formed on his leg.我颈部血痂斑驳的巨大伤痕。The great multi-coloured and blood-encrusted weal on my neck.重複以上操作直到缝合处无血和硬痂为止。Repeat these steps until the suture line is free of blood and crusts.


削痂术 tangential excision of eschar

剥痂术 denudation of eschar

无焦痂分层皮肤磨削术 layer by layer eschar-free skin resurfacing

无焦痂单层皮肤磨削术 single layer eschar-free skin resurfacing

焦痂 eschar

焦痂下抗生素灌注治疗 subeschar antibiotic infusion therapy

焦痂下细菌计数 subeschar bacterial count

焦痂切开术 escharotomy

焦痂切除术 escharectomy

焦痂自溶 autolysis of eschar

疱痂 scab

痂 crust

硷性痂块膀胱炎 alkaline incrusted cystitis

结痂性疥疮 crusted scabies, Norwegian scabies

脱焦痂 separation of eschar

酶溶痂术 enzymatic débridement

除痂剂 deincrustant

骨痂 callus

黄癣痂 scutulum

