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    to tap
    to scrape

lance [læns]

    n.标枪,长矛,矛状器具,捕鲸枪 v.切开

tap [tæp]

    n.轻打,活栓,水龙头 vt.轻打,轻敲,敲打出,开发,分接,使流出,选择,攻螺纹于 vi.轻叩,轻拍,轻声走 n.(用複数)熄灯号


该影片是在戛纳电影节上首次放映的。The film was premiered at the Cannes festival.我们将让蒙蒂钉住戛纳的敌军。We'll let monty pin down the enemy forces at cannes.地中海的游览胜地戛纳城。The mediterranean resort town of cannes.戛纳:星光熠熠的浮华盛典?Cannes: orgy of glitz?戛纳彙集着从世界各地来的人。The whole world was at cannes.没人能称今年的戛纳电影节充满惊喜。Nobody could call this year's cannes film festival brimful of wonderful surprises.谁是第54届戛纳电影节的赢家Italian family wins top cannes prize我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,我是初,我是终。I am alpha and omega the beginning and the end.我想取消,但他下周要去戛纳,I'd cancel but he's going to cannes next week...一个沿海地区,从义大利的斯塔西亚到法国的戛纳。A coastal area between la spezia in italy and cannes in france.站在今天的戛纳。Being at the cannes festival.

