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寄销的英文翻译 寄销英文怎幺说 寄销的英文例句



[jì xiāo]

    to dispatch
    consigned (goods)

dispatch [di'spætʃ]

    vt.分派,派遣 n.派遣,急件

goods [gudz]



出口寄销商品 merchandise outward on consignment

合伙寄销 joint consignment

垫付寄销人款 due from consignor

外部寄销 consignment outward

寄售,寄销 commission sales; selling in consignments; consignment sales; sale on commission; consignment outward; on consignment; consignment business; consignment; sales on consignment; on consignment; selling on consignment basis

寄售人,寄销人 consignor

寄售人存货,寄销人存货 consignor''s inventory

寄售人记录,寄销人记录 consignor''s records

寄售人通知书,寄销人通知书 consignor''s note

寄售利润,寄销利润 consignment profit

寄售品,寄销品 consigned goods; consignment goods; consignment-out; goods on consignment

寄售损益,寄销损益 consignment profit and loss

寄售货物,寄售商品,寄销货物 goods on consignment; goods on consignment-out; consignment stock

寄销 consign; consignment out; consignmentout; goods out on consignments

寄销人 consignor

寄销人垫付款 due from consignor

寄销人存货 consignor''s inventory

寄销人记录 consignor''s records

寄销人销售帐户 consignor''s sales account

寄销仓库 consignment warehouse

寄销出口保险 consignment sale export insurance

寄销利润表 reporting consignment profit

寄销利润表,寄销利润列计 reporting consignment profit

寄销发票 consignment invoice

寄销发货 consignment shipment

寄销合同 contract of consignment

寄销品 consigned goods; consignment goods; goods on consignment out; goods out on consignments

寄销品发货 consignment shipments

寄销存货 consignment inventory

寄销帐 consignment ledger

