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故作的英文翻译 故作英文怎幺说 故作的英文例句




    to pretend
    to feign

pretend [pri'tend]


feign [fein]

    vt.假装,装作,捏造,想像 vi.作假


带有蓄意做作的,粗俗的,平庸的或故作诙谐的品性或风格的。Having deliberately artificial vulgar banal or affectedly humorous qualities or style.带有蓄意做作的、粗俗的、平庸的或故作诙谐的品性或风格的。"Having deliberately artificial vulgar banal or affectedly humorous qualities or style."讲的内容既没有惊天动地的消息,也没有故作惊人之语。There was nothing earth-shattering no strident revelation.决定受军事策划的驱使;外交受恐吓和故作姿态的驱使。Military planning drove decisions; bluster and posturing drove diplomacy.她故作冷淡地道了别。这有什幺了不起的?可是,马车似乎变得冷冷清清了。She said good-bye with feigned indifference.what matter could it make? Still the coach seemed lorn.她寄给我一张难看的生日卡,上面是只睡在花边枕头上的故作可爱的小猫。She sent me one of those awful birthday cards with a cutesy kitten asleep on a lace pillow on it.“现在对我讲一讲杜伊勒利宫和罗浮宫吧,”她故作遁词说。"Now tell me of the tuileries and the louvre" she continued evasively.那他们就不必再撒谎或者故作神秘了!Then all the lying and the secrets would finally be over!你放心,他会对事故作出如实的报告的。You can count on him for a truthful report of the accident.为了推介自我,公蜘蛛会故作姿态,跳舞,扯动母蜘蛛的网,或献上一个包装好的猎物作为爱的信物。To introduce himself a male may posture dance pluck a female's web or present gift-wrapped prey.我们开始先故作神秘。We'll begin with mystery.现在对我讲一讲杜伊勒利宫和罗浮宫吧,她故作遁词说。Now tell me of the tuileries and the louvre she continued evasively.现在可不是故作正经的时候。This is no time for prudery.


故作神秘 made a mystery of; make a mystery of

