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股市的英文翻译 股市英文怎幺说 股市的英文例句




    stock market

stock [stɔk]

    n.树干,库存,股票,股份,託盘,祖先,血统,原料 adj.股票的,普通的,常备的,存货的,繁殖用的 vt.装把手于,进货,备有,放牧 vi.出新芽,採购

market [ma:kit]

    n.市场,销路,行情 vt.在市场上交易,使上市 vi.在市场上买卖


我国股市弱“晴雨錶”功效的制度缺陷On the shortcoming of our stock market system from the weak function of stock market "weatherglass"我可以线上查看股市行情吗?Can I seek the stock quotations online?阅读电传打字机纸带上显示的股市行情。Reading the stockmarket prices off the ticker-tape在早上十点的短暂反弹之后,股市再度开始拉回整理。After the short rebound in10a.m.the market starts to pull back again.週二华尔街股市中,On wall street on tuesday支撑日本股市去年回升40%的绝大多数因素仍未改变。Most of the factors underpinning last year's40per cent rally remain in place.中国股市是宏观经济的“晴雨錶”吗?Is the stock market a "weatherglass" of macro-economy in china?中国股市有财富效应吗?Does china's securities market have property-creating effect?资人重回华尔街,纽约股市早盘大涨Stocks open higher as investors return to wall st.


深圳股市行情日报 Daily Bulletin of the Shenzhen Stock Market Quotations

股市交易清淡 light

股市分析 securities analysis

股市分析家 securities analyst

股市分析家 security analyst

股市调整 correction of stock market

