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股票指数的英文翻译 股票指数英文怎幺说 股票指数的英文例句




    stock market index
    share price index

stock [stɔk]

    n.树干,库存,股票,股份,託盘,祖先,血统,原料 adj.股票的,普通的,常备的,存货的,繁殖用的 vt.装把手于,进货,备有,放牧 vi.出新芽,採购

market [ma:kit]

    n.市场,销路,行情 vt.在市场上交易,使上市 vi.在市场上买卖

index [indeks]

    n.索引,[数学]指数,指标,(刻度盘上)指标 vt.编入索引中,指出 vi.做索引

share [ʃeә(r)]

    n.共用,参与,一份,部分,份额,参股 vt.分享,均分,共有,分配 vi.分享

price [prais]

    n.价格,价钱,代价 vt.给...定价,问...的价格,标明价格


《金融时报》的股票指数昨天上升了五点The Financial Times share index went up five points yesterday.股票指数的短期波动。The short-term oscillation of the share index.良好的经济发展标誌使股票指数升高lo点。Good economic indicators caused the share index to gain ten points.上星期仅在一个交易日,股票指数就跌了30点。In just one session of trading last week the share index fell30points.自2月以来涨幅超过40%的上海综合股票指数下跌了6。5%。The shanghai composite share index which had risen by more than40% since then fell by6.5%.自一月份高峰期后,股票指数下降10%。The share index has fallen10% since the peak in january.


史坦普尔五百种股票指数 Standard & Poor''s 500 Stock Index; S & P 500

日本股票指数期货 Nikkei stock average futures

欧洲辛迪加股票指数 Euro-syndicate general share index

泰晤士报股票指数 Times share index

纽约证券交易所普通股票指数 new york stock exchange common stock index

股票指数 share index; The Index 指"英国金融时报工业指数" Financial Times Industrial Ordinary Share Index)

股票指数期货 stock index futures

道钟斯股票指数 Dow Jones index

金融时报精算师股票指数,金融时报统计师股票指数 Financial Times-Actuaries Share Index

金融时报股票指数 Financial Times Stock Indices

